Recién salido de la Escuela de Bellas Artes en 1975, Martin Parr se propuso fotografiar un pequeño pueblo del condado inglés de Yorkshire para documentar una forma de vida tradicional que entraba en declive.

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In the early eighties, Andy Warhol and Christopher Makos decided to do a project together. Sexually repressed both because of an intolerant Catholic education, they shared the same vision about life and the world and both took advantage of their relationship.

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A principios de los años ochenta, Andy Warhol y Christopher Makos decidieron realizar juntos un proyecto. Sexualmente reprimidos ambos a causa de una intolerante educación católica, compartieron una misma visión sobre la vida y el mundo y ambos sacaron partido de su relación.

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Andy Warhol was among the most important and influential artists of the twentieth century. Of all his contributions to the development of post-modern and contemporary aesthetics, perhaps none was more significant than the group work produced at The Factory.

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Andy Warhol es uno de los artistas más importantes e influyentes del siglo XX. De todas sus contribuciones al desarrollo de la estética posmoderna y contemporánea, quizás ninguna sea tan significativa como el trabajo colaborativo de la Factory.

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Our era is dominated and determined by digital technologies. Our existence and identity is constantly transformed and developed by interfaces that come to us as digitalized images and texts.

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Nuestra época está dominada y determinada por tecnologías digitales. Nuestra existencia e identidad se transforma y redefine de forma continua por interfaces que llegan en forma de imágenes y textos digitalizados.

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Exhibition presented at PHotoEspaña 2012

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Exposición presentada en PHotoEspaña 2012.

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The face is not only identity is also a machine to communicate. No other part of the body is able to express feelings so clearly, moods, desires, ideas that you want to convey.

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