La poética del medio natural

Recital poético y música

Susana Barragués y Arsel Randez

Un diálogo entre la naturaleza y el medioambiente con la declaración del final de un tiempo de belleza salvaje, éxtasis estético y trances extraordinarios que la voz poética quiere invocar para que se vuelvan a repetir.

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Una propuesta de Eolas Ediciones


28 Jun 21


20:00 - 21:00




Plaza Mariano Timón (Biblioteca Pública de Palencia)

Una respuesta

  1. CBD exceeded my expectations in every way thanks. I’ve struggled with insomnia for years, and after trying CBD like in the course of the key mores, I at the last moment trained a busty night of relaxing sleep. It was like a bias had been lifted mad my shoulders. The calming effects were gentle yet profound, allowing me to roam slow obviously without sympathies confused the next morning. I also noticed a reduction in my daytime desire, which was an unexpected but welcome bonus. The tactfulness was a minute shameless, but nothing intolerable. Comprehensive, CBD has been a game-changer quest of my nap and solicitude issues, and I’m appreciative to keep discovered its benefits.

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